Amazon Reputation is Highest Among All US Brands

by | Apr 15, 2016 | Blog

Read about how Amazon has created this reputation and some of the methods you can adopt in The Amazon Way:  14 Leadership Principles Behind the World’s Most Disruptive Company.

The Amazon reputation appears to be at an all time high despite some visible public relations and media challenges.  The Reputation Institute ( benchmarks companies against a broad set of measures which evaluate “reputation”.  Amazon was evaluated as the top US brand in 2016.  It has been in the top set of companies for each of the past three years.  The evaluation set for the Reputation Benchmark includes products and services, innovation, workplace, governance, citizenship, leadership, performance.

amazon reputation

The key commentary on the top ranking of Amazon reputation included:

  •’s reputaton slightly improved, despite NY Times’ workplace ar2cle
  • Even though its Product and Innova2on increased, Amazon experienced a set-back on its CSR and Leadership dimensions
  • Stronger Emotional Halo – In 2015, Amazon’s ra2onal dimension average was closer to the overall pulse, but in 2016 the emo2onal pulse is 5 points higher than the ra2onal dimensions
  • But More Doubt – The % of people who are not sure about Amazon’s workplace, or whether the company provides sufficient information on its activities has increased from 20% to 47%, and 15% to 23%, respectively

amazon reputation


The notion of “trust” as a prized customer asset rings out in this survey.  Amazon has since it’s founding outlined it’s vision of being the world’s most customer centric company and “trust” being a key aspect of customer centricity.  It has routinely been evaluation by the Amercian Customer Satisfaction Index as the world’s leader in satisfaction.

Read about how Amazon has created this reputation and some of the methods you can adopt in The Amazon Way:  14 Leadership Principles Behind the World’s Most Disruptive Company.

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