Our Services

Rossman Partners is a management advisory firm guiding our clients on solving wicked problems and winning at big bets. We are invested in your success. We aim to deliver our clients a unique “power-to-weight” ratio (P/W Ratio). “Power” is the ambitious competitive differentiation, speed, and lasting impact. “Weight” is the expense, effort, and risk in attaining these results. We believe our P/W Ratio is, at a minimum, 10x legacy management consulting.

Our focus on complex and valuable problems, aligning our compensation with outcomes, and our innovative delivery approaches combine for a true partnership, independent thinking, and advice.

Faster, with More Impact, with Less Expense and Risk. Sound interesting?


Keynotes & Workshops: John and Kevin have delivered hundreds of keynotes and workshops to inspire audiences and adjust skills and ways of working for innovation, transformation, and growth.

Keynotes and workshops are an incredible value and are designed for your specific needs.

Advisory Services: Our advisory services are designed for the specific situation of our clients and include:

  • Big Bet Playbook development: We advise clients on building their Big Bet Thinking and transformation playbooks for high-ambition, high-risk situations.
  • Big Bet Pressure Testing: Evaluating an existing big bet to give insights and actionable steps to position the initiative for high-ambition results.
  • Executive Coaching: Executive coaching for leaders & teams heading complex, high-ambition, high-risk initiatives.
  • Corporate priority planning: Keeping “the main thing, the main thing” is critical for CEOs, EVPs, and GMs. 
  • Board and advisory board positions: Long-term enterprise growth and risk stewardship roles.

Wicked Problem Consulting:  We are experts in high-value, high-risk, complex, and unique situations. These are sometimes called “wicked problems”. We bring a team dedicated to understanding the crux of the problem, identifying a proposed future state, and developing a holistic and “experiment-driven” path leading to success.

We recognize that most plans for wicked problems cannot be guaranteed or stated with certainty. We embrace this inherent uncertainty by developing an experiment-led path, often viewed as a portfolio approach to management versus a simplistic roadmap.

Big Bet Leadership Workshops

You are planning a bold move, a major transformation, an annual plan, or a significant initiative. You are not sure you have the right concept, clarity for success, or a worthy business case. We offer a fixed-fee workshop to accelerate your progress and set you up to become a Big Bet Legend!

Let’s talk about your situation and craft the high-impact BIg Bet Leadership workshop.

Executive Coaching and Advisory — Become a Big Bet Legend

Our CxO coaching and advisory approach is like no other. We focus on a business problem, measure up front, and meet typically on an every-other week basis, and measure progress after a quarter. There is homework between our meetings and adhoc discussions. You have access to our experts for specific needs. We develop your leadership expertise on being the transformational leader you aspire to be by solving a wicked problem and developing a big bet.

The outcomes are that we help your business succeed at a Big Bet, and your leadership skills are adjusted for major transformations, putting you on the path of becoming a Big Bet Legend.

Big Bet Turn-Around and Pressure Tests

Big Bets often go sideways, or you want to find out where the weakness and unsurfaced risks are for your Big Bet. You are not alone. Using proprietary techniques, we deliver an independent opinion and concrete plan for turning your transformation or situation around. Remember, Big Bet Legends do three things to succeed at Big Bets —  they create clarity, maintain velocity, and accelerate risk and value. Let’s put these habits to work for you.

We aspire for a radically different “power-to-weight” ratio — 10x insights at a fraction of the effort or expense of traditional management consulting.