
Amazon Fire TV Review: The Set-Top Box Just Evolved

by | May 14, 2014 | Blog


On-AMZN:  WSJ overview of Amazon Fire TV gives interesting insights and demonstration to the features and potential for Fire TV. Both article and video are helpful in understanding.

By Geoffrey A. Fowler

The device that will succeed in reinventing television has to conquer a devilishly simple task: deliver the entertainment you want, as quickly as possible.

Amazon.com has taken a significant step in that direction with its new Fire TV set-top box, though it has yet to fully crack the problem. Fire TV’s impressive evolution of the TV-watching experience is a remote control that lets you quickly search a world of Internet video, game and app content with only your voice.

With Fire TV, getting from an idea—say, let’s watch an old “Star Trek” episode—to full phaser action on your big screen has never been faster. But it comes with a price: your devotion to Amazon.

Unveiled this week for $99, Fire TV enters a market for video-streaming devices that has no clear leader, but fierce competition from Apple TV, Roku and Google’s Chromecast—as well as TiVo, Microsoft’s Xbox, Sony’s PlayStation and the “smart TVs” and connected Blu-ray players that all have the capability to stream media from the Internet.

Read the complete article at WSJ

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