Amazon Prime Now offers FREE 2 hour delivery and 1 hour delivery for $7.99 on orders over $15. Customers do need to join the annual Amazon Prime membership ($99). Amazon Prime Now just announced launching in London, which is the first international city in the program. The mobile application allows customers to track the courier also in “uber-like” manner.

Amazon Prime Now
Amazon Prime Now is available in selected zip codes in Atlanta, Austin, Baltimore, Dallas, London, Manhattan, Brooklyn, Miami and now London.
With Amazon Prime Now in London, greater emphasis on international Prime expansion can be expected. Amazon’s Retail international growth has been anemic and I would expect the Amazon Prime membership to be the primary growth lever to create better results.
No doubt these are early days for Amazon Prime Now. Selection will continue to expand (greatly) and more cities and zip codes will be added. There have been reviews of mobile application issues. All of these issues will be quickly fixed, and a continual expansion in categories, SKU’s and locations will continue. Amazon is the master of continuous expansion.
Amazon Prime Now is just another example of how important supply chain, logistics and technology are core levers for innovation.
Natasha Lomas
Amazon Takes Prime Now Outside U.S., Opens One-Hour Delivery In London
Amazon has expanded its one-hour delivery service for Prime members to parts of central London. An update to the Prime Now app notes the services is now “available in selected London postcodes”. This is the first foray for Prime Now outside the U.S., some six months after the service first launched — which is a rather more speedy international expansion schedule than Amazon’s usual playbook.
Prime Now’s London coverage area appears to be limited to zone 1 — or parts of zone 1 — at this stage. Postcodes I tried from further afield (zone 2 and zone 3) were not yet supported; but a postcode in London’s Southwark (zone 1) returned an affirmative that Amazon can ship a selection of products there in an hour. An in-app note on coverage adds: “We’re branching out as fast as we can”. Londoners can check to see if it delivers to their postcode yet.
Read the entire article at Techcrunch HERE